2025 International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computer Technology

(ICAECCT 2025)

Chongqing, China, April 29-30, 2025



We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, tracks, outlined and other areas of relevance to the theme of the conference such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in the industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the below topics.

Topic 1: Computer Engineering

Algorithm Design
Analysis of Algorithms
Computer Animation
Quantum Computing Theory
Requirements Analysis
Scientific Computing
Computer Programming
Database Management Systems
Evolutionary Computation
Numerical Algorithms
Crowd-sourcing and opportunistic IoT
Innovative algorithms and data analysis techniques for IoTs
Big Data theory, applications and challenges
Big Data placement, scheduling, and optimization
Big Data design, models and algorithms
Big Data protection and integrity
Deployments, test-beds and field trials


Topic 2: Network, Communication Technology and Applications

Attacks and Prevention of Online Fraud
Cryptographic Protocols and Functions
Economics of Security and Privacy
Information Hiding and Watermarking
Intrusion Detection, Tolerance and Prevention
Network and Wireless Network Security
Trusted Computing
Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Channel Capacity and Channel Coding
CDMA and Spread Spectrum
System Modeling and Simulationork Security


Topic 3. Electronics Engineering

Power Electronics
AC-DC and DC-DC Converters
AC and DC Motor Drives, inverters
FM and PWM Techniques
Utility Interface module for Power electronics
Applications of Power electronics
Single- and Multi-Phase Inverters
Soft-Switched Techniques
Modeling and Simulation of AC-DC
Soft ware Tools of AC-DC
Converter/Inverter Topologies
Automotive applications
Power Factor Improvements
Circuits and Systems
Automotive Electronics